(EN) The 3rd Day of the U.N Climate change Conference was marked by interesting side events concerning biodiversity and forests. A special panel on forest degradation and deforestation, both problems closely linked to greenhouse gases emissions and climate change was held today. However, off- and behind the stage(s) word was mostly about the so called "Danish text" that still provokes many controversial discusses: For the background: The so called "Danish text", a text by the Danish, American and English delegation set prerogatives for rich countries to have the double amount of emissions then developing countries and this by 2050. Promptly "Climate Justice" called the proposal to be "CO2- racist" and called the rich developing countries the same. Head of the Chinese delegation Su Wei suddenly saw an opportunity to promote the Chinese delegation as dear development-aid activists and criticizes the U.S but also the E.U. Hence, already a lot of bad blood on the Copenhagen floor. Maybe the good news is that NGO's, environmental groups and many others are already mobilizing against the so called "danish" text, and that with such a growing movement, the text will more than probably be rejected.
Another interesting side event was supported by the FYEG (Federation of Young European Greens) called "Tuvalu the real deal", It was an awareness demonstration, manifestation to show that one of the world smallest countries (12'000 inhabitants / 26 square km.) faces serious problems due to rising sea levels and climate change.
(LU) Um drëtten Dag vun COP15 Klimasommet zu Kopenhagen gouff vill an sougenannten Nierwenevents "Side Events" gouff vill iwwert d'imminent Folgen vum Klimawandel opt d' weltwait Bëscher geschwat. Net nemmen den saueren Reen deen d'Bëschbestänn deziméiert mee och d Problematik vum brachialen Oofholzen (wat dann nach méi zur Erderwärmung bäidréiht) waren Themen haut. Hannert den Kulissen gouff et awa just een Thema: Den sougenannten "Danish Text", eng propose vun den U.S.A, Groussbritannien an Dänemark deen d' Schwellenlänner an d' pays en voie de dévlopement weider giff stigmatiséieren an den räischen Industrienatiounen weider Prerogativen giff gin (z.B Duebel su héich Pollutiouns- an Emmissiounswerter vis à vis vun den aarmen Länner) Eng aaner interessant Demo war haut d' Tuvalu-Demo "Tuvalu is the real deal" war eng Manifestatioun vun puer NGO's an och den Europäeschen Jonken Gréngen iwwert den Mikrostaat Tuvalu, deen enorm a Gefor ass an riskeiert duerch den Klimawandel ganz ze verschwannen.
FacebookGroup "Against Danish Proposal"
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