The last round before COP16, the AWG-KP* & AWG-LCA** and LULUCF*** Ad-hoc work groups will meet a last time in Tianjin, in P.R China from 4th to 9th of October. Altough even inside of the Green Federations, Groups and NGO's many people don't believe in a sucessful COP16 the international community reassembled in Tianjin and Cancùn must take into account the following aspects no matter what the outcome of COP16 might be:
- Stick at least to the Kyoto Protocol
- Go for more ambitious targets (1.5 degrees cel. instead of 2.0)
- Mitigation, Harm Reduction,
- Make sure that the 100bn. proposed in COP15 for non-industrialized countries are new money (not from older aid of development projects
- rebuild the trust between non-industrialized countries and countries from the global north
- technology transfair to the non-industrialized countries
- Take into account newest research
* AWG-KP: Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol
** AWG-LCA: Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention
*** LULUCF: Land use, land-use change and forestry
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