Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009

Xenophobie & Rumanophobie bei der Police Grand-Ducale ?

(Big Car - Small Brains ?)

Laut der Letzebuerger Menschenrechtsliga (LDH) koum et am Police Buro Hamilius zu engem schlëmmen Tëschefall. E Polizeibeamten hätt do d' Carte d' Identité vun enger rumänescher Fra zerschnidden. Den Virfall gouf vum Procureur Général Robert Biewer confirmeiert mee "dass d’Enquête erginn hätt, dass et sech an deem Fall ëm eng bedauerlech, awer mënschlech Maladresse handelt, déi keng Suitë géif no sech zéien. RTL.LU)"

Wat fir den Procueur an secherlech fir d Police als eng menschlech Maladresse gëlt, ass eng vun den gravsten Verletzungen vun Internationalem Recht di et gëtt. Keen ass dozou befugt eng Identitéitskart ze zerschnëppelen oder en Pass anzezéihen schoguernet wann et sech em eng Persoun am Ausland handelt.

Dëssen Fall, arënnert mech nach un 2 aaner Tëschefäll wu rumänesch Ressortissant'en wéi Dréck vun der Police Grand-Ducale behandelt gouffen:

1). Virun 2 Joër war enger Police Patroulle an der Nuecht am Süden vum Land en Auto matt rumäneschen Placken opgefall. Ons uniforméiert Supermenschen hun dun och direkt d Verfolgung opgeholl vun deem Auto... et wees een jo nie, Nuecht, en Rumän, dat kann nëmmen Ierger gin. No ronn 20km Pirsch, huet schliesslech den Chauffeur vum rumäneschen Auto sech virun engem Haus geparkt, an ass rausgeklomm an huet sech Richtung Hausdir begin. An deem Moment sin bei onsen Starsky&Hutch Superstars d Nerven duerchgebrannt, sie waren sech sëcher, deen doten wëll abriechen, an sie sin aus dem Auto gesprong an hun de Mann festgeholl. Wi sech spéider erausgestallt huet wollt den Mann just bei sech heem ant d' Bett. (de Fall gouff vum Tageblatt opgedeckt, an war dono och medial präsent)

2). Dëssen Fall ass engem Bekannten vun mir geschidd, deen zwar mëttlerweilen Lëtzebuerger ass, mee och enker matt rumäneschen Placken um Auto an onsem toleranten an schéinen Ländchen ennerwee war. Och bei him war et moies fréih, 4 Auer, hien huet schliesslech missten opt d Schaff, sain Zeitungsbutték opmaachen. Um Iergäertchen gouff hien matt bloer Luut begréisst an opt d Sait geruff. No der frëndlecher Begréissung(IHRE PAPIERE!) vum Mann iwwert, pardon vum Gesetz, gouff hien ausgefrot wisou hien sech giff zu sou enger Auerzait mam Auto bewegen, an op hien dann secher waer op hien naischt "geklautes dobaihätt".

Dëss 3 Tëschenfäll hun mech op folgend Iddi bruecht:


Léif Police Grand Ducale, Léifen Parquet:

Rumänien ass en Land an Südost Europa an grenzt un Bulgarien, Moldawien, Serbien, Montenegro, Ukraine an Ungarn. Donaubecken an Rumänien ass eng vun den eelsten bewunnten Géigenden an Europa, dat suguer laang virun der Arrivée vun de Griechen a Réimer. Bekannt ass Rumänien duerch seng geographeg Vielfalt: Bierger(Karpaten), d' Schwarzt Mier, oder och d' Steppen, den Dracula Geschichten an Transylvanien, der Partnerstadt vun Letzebuerg 2007 Sibiu (Herrmannstadt). Falls der et nët wësst ass Rumänien Member vun der Europäescher Unioun, an dat seit Januar 2007.


Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2009

Lady Gaga Lulling

Seen @ - Kommentar zu der Victoire um Grand Bornand vun de Schléck-Gebridder: 
... kann een nach méi armséileg a populisteg gin ?
no comment.

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2009

Human Rights Activist Estemirova abducted and assassinated in Chechnya

Sorlidarity with Natalia's Family and her friends from Memorial, the senior Russian Human Rights Movement. Rossiya toje prava cheloveka!


Natalia Estemirova, talking about her human rights work in Grozny, Chechnya

© Amnesty International

© Amnesty International" style="outline-style: none; outline-width: initial; outline-color: initial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-weight: 700; text-decoration: underline; padding-right: 20px; ">Russian human rights activist Natalia Estemirova, abducted and murdered on 15 July 2009

Russian human rights activist Natalia Estemirova, abducted and murdered on 15 July 2009

© Amnesty International

16 July 2009

Amnesty International has strongly condemned Monday's murder of Natalia Estemirova, a leading human rights activist working in the North Caucasus region and a long-standing friend of the organization.

"Natalia Estemirova's murder is a consequence of the impunity that has been allowed to persist by the Russian and Chechen authorities," said Irene Khan, Secretary General of Amnesty International.

Natalia Estemirova, one of the leading members of the Russian human rights NGO Memorial in Grozny, Chechnya, was abducted on Monday at around 8:30am local time. She was dragged into a white car (VAZ-2107) and driven off in an unknown direction. According to witnesses, Natalia Estemirova managed to shout out that she was being abducted.

Later on Monday, the Russian news agency Itar-TASSreported that her body had been found in the neighbouring republic of Ingushetia with gunshot wounds.

"Human rights violations in Russia, and especially in the North Caucasus, can no longer be ignored. And those who stand up for human rights need protection," said Irene Khan.

"The terrible tragedy of the killing of Natalia Estemirova is a crime that should be denounced by the authorities and every effort must be made to bring those responsible to justice. It is yet another attempt to try to gag civil society in Russia and highlights the instability in the region."

"Natalia Estemirova was a most courageous and inspiring woman who never tired of defending the human rights of others. She was a truly exceptional person and a friend to many of us."

"We are shocked and saddened by the news of her death and wish to express our deepest sympathy for the family of Natalia Estemirova, for her friends and for her colleagues."

Natalia Estemirova's work was crucial in documenting human rights violations in the region, such as torture and other ill-treatment, unlawful killings and enforced disappearances, since the start of the second Chechnya war in 2000. She also devoted herself to providing assistance to displaced people and other socially disadvantaged groups. No one has claimed responsibility, but colleagues believe she was killed for her human rights activities.

Her work has been recognized both at home and internationally by numerous awards, including the Robert Schuman medal of the European Parliament (2005), the Right Livelihood Award of the Swedish Parliament (2004 - the so-called Alternative Nobel Peace Prize), and she was the first recipient of the Anna Politkovskaya Award (2007).

The murder of Natalia Estemirova sheds further light on the precarious circumstances in which human rights defenders work in the Russian Federation. It follows the killings earlier this year of human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova, both close friends and colleagues of journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who herself was murdered in 2006.

Amnesty International has called for an end to impunity for the murder of human rights defenders, journalists and lawyers in Russia.
Further Links:

Samstag, 11. Juli 2009

Hopefully Lady Gaga saw this...

Fait divers ... awa e flotten :) Et misst een der BGL zu hierer Productplacement Stratgie am Internet :)

Montag, 6. Juli 2009

Taciturn European Left and Iran

Nobody has been as loudly kicking and screaming about the coup in Honduras then the European Left! "Solidarity !" "Back in Office with Pres. Zelaya" etc.

But when it comes to Iran, the European Left is becoming much more quiet, eventually taciturn. No press statements can be found on the internet prescence of the GUE/NGL, the German DIE LINKE, the French NOUVEAU PARTI ANTI-CAPITALISTE, nor on the site of the Luxembourgian Left, DEI LENK, or SOLID, the German Young Lefts.
Strange, the greatest liberation movement in recent Iranian history is not even mentioned on their internet pages ? Why is that ? In 2006, Left and para-left groups around the globe were rallying against an Israeli pre-emptive attack on the Iranian nuclear plant & enrichment facility Naftans. Today however, when it comes to Ahmadinejad, one of the fiercest critics and most emblematic figures of the self-proclaimed "Anti-Imperialist world order", the European Left seems to maintain a low profile, or as I see it, put Human Rights second, and the supreme, mantric anti-capitalist struggle on the first place. In the case of Iran, that's not only shortsighted, but absurd: German Left medias (Neue Welt, Neues Deutschland) have even congratulated Ahmadinejad for his victory at the polls. (other congratulations came from Minsk, Caracas, Pyeongyang and Moscow, the typical romantic spots for human rights). In a country where homosexual teens are hanged, women stoned and dissidents tortured, the European Left can treat itself to talk about the capital, anti-imperialism and the struggle of good vs. evil, while dozens, see hundreds of brave Iranian citizens are slaughtered in the streets of Tehran, and Esfahan. Although I know many Lefts who all are showing their solidarity with the people of Iran, I demand more than just sympathy on the beer counter but also official statements and releases. Because where the European Left seems to totally miss the point is that this is not an issue about Mossawi, Ahmadinejad or Khamenei, this is an issue about the universality of human rights, and the longsome violation of Human Rights in Iran, nothing less.

Interesting Links:,1518,632499,00.html

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