The endoscopic camera inside of Fukushima-Daiichi Unit II
Pipes and emergency pipes laid during the first month of the evacuation at the power plant continue to burst under the freezing temperatures. Asahi News reports that:
... Some 7,800 liters of water leaked from a fuel rod storage pool and reactor cooling systems in the disabled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant on Jan. 29 [...] after pipes ruptured because of freezing weather. [...] The leaked water was supplied from a nearby dam to cool reactors and processed radioactive water. [...] Decommissioning the reactors at the facility is expected to take decades. But with problems still occurring even now, it remains uncertain how long the process will take. [...] (5)
Further reports show that even more radioactive water was realeased and more pipes are bursting:
More than 8 tonnes of water have leaked from Japan’s stricken nuclear power plant after a frozen pipe burst inside a reactor buiding [sic] [...] Kyodo, quoting [Tepco], said the water had leaked from the No.4 reactor when a pipe “dropped off” [...] “The total amount of leakage from the reactor was initially estimated to be 6 litres, but the utility revised the figure later Wednesday, adding that the leakage appears to have started at around 5 p.m. (0800 GMT) Monday,” Kyodo said. “The utility plans to check whether there are similar cases in the other crippled reactors,” it added. (6)
Since many of the sources of the bursting pipes are from Tepco, and in regard of their terrible information policy, we might in mind that the reports are falsified and that the real situation is actually worse.
Heart failures, and Growing heart problems in Fukushima area:
More and more news of children and new-born babies who suffer from complex cardiologic complications are reported from Japan. (7) Prof. Busby, analyzed the data comparing them to Dr. Bandazhevskiy's studies of cardiovascular complications of the "Chernobyl children"(8). Unfortunately only few scientists have investigated this phenomenon. This leads to incomplete and unsound statistics and in the end, much more people are affected by health problems caused by radiation.
Heart failures, and Growing heart problems in Fukushima area:
More and more news of children and new-born babies who suffer from complex cardiologic complications are reported from Japan. (7) Prof. Busby, analyzed the data comparing them to Dr. Bandazhevskiy's studies of cardiovascular complications of the "Chernobyl children"(8). Unfortunately only few scientists have investigated this phenomenon. This leads to incomplete and unsound statistics and in the end, much more people are affected by health problems caused by radiation.
Prof. Busby explains his findings:
(4) (5) Picture: Asahi