Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011

D' ADR wäescht hier Auslännerfeindlech Politik wäiss

Ech haalen mech ganz kuerz:
Absolut ekelerreegend wéi d' ADR sëch elo matt den Afferen aus Norwegen hier auslännerfeindlech a flüchtlingsveruechtend Politik wäisswäschen wëll: An engem Schreiwwes verweist d ADR haut op hieren Grondsaatzprogramm well sie am wirren an gëckegen Manifesto vum Anders Behring Breivik erwähnt gin als "anti-immigratiouns- an nationalisteg Partei". Als kléngen Rappel: Am totalen Géigensaatz zum ADR Grondsaatzprogramm steet dëssen Pressecommuniqué aus dem Maerz 2011 "Kee Lampedusa zu Lëtzebuerg" : ... D'ADR verlaangt dat et ouni ze waarden zu konkreten a schnellen Aktiounen kënnt fir keng nei Flüchtlinge mussen opzehuelen, fir déi bestehend Asyldemandë schnell ze traitéieren an am Fall vum Refus de betraffe Leit schnell an ouni finanziell Kompensatioun an hir Heemecht zréck ze schécken. En Ausfluch op Lëtzebuerg däerf kee Geschäft ginn ...

Kléngt sou nët den Uffank vun xenophober oder onsolidarëscher Flüchtlingspolitik? Ech fannen et schlëmm wéi elo beemol d' ADR sëch wëll wäisswäschen an daat am Numm vun den Opferen aus Norwegen... Absolut Schamlos!

ADR Schreiwwes:

ADR Schreiwwes "Kee Lampedusa zu Lëtzebuerg"

Obwuel déi jonk gréng schon en Solidaritéits- a Kondolenzschreiwwen un AUF - d' norwegësch Jusos geschriwwen hun, wëll ech nachmol op dësser Plaz main ganz häerzlecht Bäileed un Familen an Frënn vun den Affer riichten. Mir wäerten ierch alleguerten an Arënnerung haalen als jonk engagéiert Mënschen déi hier Dreem vun enger besserer Welt ant d Hand geholl hun an verwieklechen wollten. Äeren Idealismus an Engagement genau wi d' Arënnerung un ierch erhaalen mir alleguerten um Lierwen.

Bréif un AUK - Norwegësch Juso'en vun déi jonk gréng

En Kondolenz-Bréif vun déi jonk gréng un d Norweger Jusos:
On this sad day, déi jonk gréng, Luxembourg Green Youth want to express their deepest solidarity and most heartfelt sympathies to the victims, their beloved family and friends of the unprecedented attacks in Utoya. In this terrible time we want express our most sincere condolences. We condemn this barbaric and atrocious act of hate and tremble ourselves in shock. Prime Minister Stoltenberg said that the treasure of democracy is the politically involved youth. We weep the terrible loss and waste of innocent human life in Utoya and Oslo and want to express once more our most sincere condolences. Our thoughts are with the beloved departed, their family and friends. We stand behind you, you will never walk alone.Yours truthfully,DEI JONK GRENG, Luxembourg Green Youth Executive Committee

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011

New Protests in Belarus - dozens of people detained

The protests organized on social media continue in Belarus, as hundreds of people gather in the centre of Minsk. The protest on wednesday was organized on VKontakte a popular Social Media Network, similar to Facebook. International Press reports aswell as Russia Today, RIA-NOVOSTI, Nashi Niva and Belsat report that dozens of people were arrested and are still detained. After arresting people for clapping and singing, the Belorussian Regime now rounds up people for setting their alarm clock on the cellphone at 8. p.m, like the organizers told them on the internet. The will of the Belorussian people is at it's height, and the international community must follow suite, change in Belarus is possible!

Russia Today states that "All in all, about a hundred people, including 25 in the capital Minsk, were detained following Wednesday’s flash-mob protest.
Charter’97 writes that the detentions “were traditionally harsh, people were dragged on the ground and into paddy wagons which arrived speedily”.According to the website, police also detained journalists, “hindering their work, were rude, tripped protesters, and kicked them”. In addition, police tried to prevent photographers and cameramen from taking pictures or filming during the arrests.
The “Belarusian Partisan” news outlet notes that compared to previous times, fewer protesters showed up for the event on July 13.But, according to the opposition website, the explanation is pretty simple: many “revolutionists” are still under administrative arrest for taking part in earlier protests"*

* http://rt.com/politics/belarus-internet-opposition-blocked/
Pic: (c) EURORADIO via charter97.by

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011

When you're happy and you know it clap your hands!

Hundreds of Protesters where arrested 2 days ago in Belarus, attending the 20th Independence Day Celebrations in Minsk, report AFP, Al-Jazzera and Tas-Interfax. According to different media agencies, the peaceful protesters where around 1000 people who clapped and applauded during Lukashenka's speech on the Military Parade in Central Minsk. More than 300 people where apprehended and sentenced to 3 to 16 days of imprisonment simply because they clapped. A new wave of protesting rocks the Belorussian Capital, as the economical situation in Belarus worsens. New protests are exclusively organized over social medias and are feared by Belorussian officials. Only 2 weeks ago, Lukashenka announced to personally annihilate anybody who attends protests that were organized via social medias on the internet.

Euronews 4.7.2011

RT - Russia Today 5.7.2011

Picture:(c) APP
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